Give to Juntos
Mail a Check:
PO Box 2436.
Philadelphia, PA 19147
We couldn’t do it without you.
Every contribution helps keep our organization standing so that we can continue to serve our LatinX Community in South Philadelphia.
Your Contributions help us fund:
Solidary Bank: A weekly member-led food and resource bank
Begun in late April, the Solidarity Bank reaches hundreds of families, with 250 families receiving support at its height this summer
Apoyo Center: A family resource initiative for families with children and youth. Begun in July, the Apoyo Center supports families with resources such as baby and school supplies.
Fuerza Youth Program: Our youth leadership committee for developing Latinx high school students as leaders in our community
Founded in 2011, Fuerza members engage on issues such as education, labor and immigration and organize on behalf of their community. Through youth-led media projects such as their podcast “Cafecito con Fuerza” or their viral TikToks, our leaders continue to devise new ways to amplify their voice.
Our newest program for children ages 5-12 to help the youngest Latinx generation find their voices.
Grassroots Organizing:
Sanctuary Schools campaign to ensure youth are able to use schools as spaces for learning and sanctuary rather than criminalization and fear.
#ShutDownDevereux and fight against the privatization of migrant youth detention. This was one of Juntos’ community organizing campaigns, which saw the successful end of Devereux’s migrant private youth detention in Devon, PA.
Community Resistance Zone: Community-led defense zone against ICE enforcement
Launched in 2017, the Juntos Community Resistance Zones are neighborhoods and allies trained to defend our community against ICE enforcement. This past year, the Community Resistance Zones were reactivated with a series of community trainings and launch of a rapid response network