2016 Press Coverage of Juntos’ Impact


September 6, 2016 The Temple News Trump meets with black Philly Leaders

September 2, 2016 The Spokeman-Review Brotherly love for Trump? N. Philly visit stirs strong opposition

September 1, 2016 Newsworks Philly Latinos react to Trump’s immigration speech

August 22, 2016 The Indypendent Undocumented Mothers Launch Hunger Strike From PA Prison

August 15, 2016 Rising Up With Sonali Immigrant Mothers At Berks Detention Center Launch Hunger Strike

August 15, 2016 Fusion Hunger strike enters second week for 22 immigrant mothers stuck in family detention

July 29, 2016 Democracy Now! Immigrants March on the DNC, Call to Shut Down Berks Family Detention Center in Pennsylvania

July 28, 2016 WATCH: Black Lives Matter march challenges DNC and systemic racism

July 27, 2016 LA Times What ‘great’ America are we talking about? A reporter’s journal outside the Democratic Convention

July 26, 2016 AJ+ Don’t Deport my Dad

July 26, 2016 AJ+ The People’s Pundits: DNC Reality Check

July 26, 2016 AZ Central Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia

July 26, 2016 Mundo Hispánico Antesala a la convención marcada por protesta contra deportaciones

July 26, 2016 The Nation. The Democratic Party Puts a Diverse America Onstage

July 26, 2016 thenotebook Groups march for immigration reform during DNC

July 26, 2016 Hispanos marchan en Filadelfia para poner fin a deportaciones

July 26, 2016 Mayors champion immigration; activists march against Trump

July 25, 2016 CBS Philly #Not1More Campaign Marches In Philly For Immigration Reform

July 25, 2016 El Diario Inmigrantes ponen sobre Clinton la presión de las “promesas incumplidas” de Obama

July 25, 2016 Flickr Migrant Rights March at the DNC//Marcha por los derechos de migrantes en el DNC

July 25, 2016 Fox News Latino Protesters call on Clinton and Democrats to end deportations, close family detention centers

July 25, 2015 Fusion Mariana Atencio is walking and talking with immigrant activists in Philadelphia protesting deportations on the first day of the #DNCinPHL

July 25, 2015 La Jornada Estallan las protestas en Filadelfia

July 25, 2016 LA Times A ‘Clintonville’ and a ‘fart-in’: Here are some protests planned during the Democratic convention

July 25, 2016 Noticias Washington DC/Entravision FOTOS Y VIDEO: Marcha contra ICE en convención demócrata

July 25 El Nuevo Herald Filadelfia: Hispanos marchan para pedir fin de deportaciones

July 25, 2016 Univision Tacos de barbacoa en Filadelfia contra las deportaciones

July 25, 2016 Univision Politica En vivo con Mariana Atencio marchando con inmigrantes hispanos que protestan las deportaciones de Obama en la Convención Demócrata en Filadelfia

July 25, 2016 WORT 89.9 FM Street Beat: Immigrant Activists Call For An End To Deportations

July 24, 2016 El Nuevo Herald Hispanos a demócratas: rindan cuentas

July 24, 2016 Other leaders planning protests at Democratic convention

July 22, 2016 The San Diego Union-Tribune Diverse issues spur protesters at the Democratic convention

July 20, 2016 Phillymag These DNC-Week Art-and-Politics Events Make a Real Statement

July 18, 2016 The Nation Young People on the Streets of Cleveland and Philadelphia

June 30, 2016 Democracy Now! Philadelphia: 5 Arrested Blocking Highway Demanding End to Deportation

June 30, 2016 Immigration advocates take protest to street and voting booth

June 29, 2016 Newsworks 4 arrested as immigration ruling protest snarls Center City traffic

June 28, 2016 CBS Philly Immigration Protesters Block Off Ramp To Vine Street Expressway Following SCOTUS Decision

June 28, 2016 Phillyvoice Protesters arrested in rally against high court’s immigration ruling

June 28, 2016 Telemundo Activistas se encadenan para detener deportaciones

June 25, 2016 Supreme Court vote dashes hopes of immigrants here illegally

June 24, 2016 Al Día News Advocates vow to keep fighting for immigration reform

June 24, 2016 Phillymag SCOTUS Deadlock on Obama’s Immigration Plan: Shameful and Wrong

June 23, 2016 Al Día News Immigrations advocate react to DAPA and DACA decisions

June 23, 2016 Phillymag Philly Latino Activists: Obama is “Deporter-in-Chief”

June 23, 2016 Telemundo Líderes pro inmigrantes: “Ya basta de abusos”

June 23, 2016 Telemundo A la expectativa inmigrantes indocumentados

June 2, 2016 Telemundo Instan a los “dreamers” a obtener becas universitarias

May 23, 2016 Newsworks Honoring police as grand marshals defies spirit of Philly Pride parade

May 20, 2016 Latino Rebels The School-to-Deportation Pipeline?

May 17, 2016 Newsworks Pa. immigrants apprehensive about latest ICE sweep

May 16, 2016 Fox News Powerful Philly union accused of using drones to intimidate enemies

May 5, 2016 Kenney rejects U.S. request to reverse ‘sanctuary city’ status

April 15,2016 Opinion: There’s no place for Trump-inspired hate, Juntos says

April 13, 2016 METRO.US I was ‘ambushed’ by immigration activists

April 13, 2016 Telemundo Representante truena contra inmigrantes en Capitolio

April 12, 2016 Phillyvoice Immigration activists confront Northeast Philly state rep in Harrisburg

April 12, 2016 PennLive ‘I need you to leave now!’: Pa. lawmaker screams at group upset at her ‘anti-immigrant’ bill

April 12, 2016 Phillymag NE Philly Rep. White Clashes with Immigration Activists


April 11, 2016  ALDIAnews Rep. Martina White explota contra activistas de inmigración

March 17, 2016 WHYY Two immigrant families look to join fight to close Pa. detention center

March 16, 2016 CBS Philly Immigrant Detainees In Berks County Claim Mistreatment

March 16, 2016 WFMZ 69 Denuncian falta de atención médica en centro de detención Berks

February 23, 2016 Univisión Cárcel de ICE en Pensilvania opera sin licencia

February 23, 2016 Al Dia News Shut down the Family Detention Centers

February 22, 2016 EPGN GALAEI joins call to release detained immigrants

February 22, 2016 WGAL News Protesters demonstrate outside detention center for immigrant families

February, 22, 2016 El Diario Hoy opera sin licencia un centro de detención para inmigrantes en Pensilvania

February 22, 2016 NewsWorks Berks detention center still holding undocumented families, thanks to appeal

February 22, 2016 CBS Philly Dozens Protest Facility That Immigration Rights Activists Want Closed

February 22, 2016 Telemundo Activistas declaran emergencia en centro de detención

February 22, 2016 Immigration Impact Visit to Berks Family Detention Center Makes Clear Why They Lost their License

February 22, 2016 Al Día Berks County Detention Center to continue operations without a license

February 22, 2016 NBC10 Berks County Detention Center Housing Immigrant Families Loses License

February 2, 2016 Univisión 65 El centro de detención en Berks pierde licencia

February 2, 2016 DEMOCRAZYNOW DHS to Revoke License of Berks Family Detention Center in PA

January 29, 2016 The Guardian Only family detention center outside Texas may shut after license revoked

January 27, 2016 Appointment of Nutter to DHS panel stirs speculation

January 22, 2016 Al Día Indignación por nuevo puesto de Nutter en DHS

January 19, 2016 Univisión Corte Suprema de EE.UU analizará alivio migratorio

January 17, 2016 The Times Herald Immigration roundup in Norristown stokes concern

January 11, 2016 CBS Philly Local Group Working With Immigrants Concerned About ICE Raids

January 10, 2016 The Inquirer ICE efforts to return ‘illegal’ immigrants to Central America prompt protest

January 8, 2016 Brazilian Voice Novo prefeito da Filadélfia corta cooperação com o ICE

January 7, 2016 Newsworks National crackdown on undocumented immigrants spurs anxieties in Philly

January 7, 2016 Univision Pánico por arrestos de ICE en Norristown

January 7, 2016 Telemundo Orientan inmigrantes indocumentados tras ola de miedo

January 6, 2016 Al Día Coffee and fear: An American story

January 6, 2016 Telemundo Redadas crean temor entre inmigrantes hispanos en EEUU

January 6, 2016 NBC10 Philly Residents React to Nationwide Immigration Raids

January 6, 2016 Kenney restores ‘sanctuary city’ status

January 6, 2016 NBC10 Mayor Kenney Calls for Change After Homophobia, Racism Mar Mummers Parade

January 5, 2016 Al día Y así comienzan las redadas…

January 5, 2016 Kenney to feds: Consider Philly a sanctuary city again

January 5, 2016 Fox News Latino Philadelphia mayor’s first act is to rescind cooperation with immigration agency

January 5, 2016 Al día With threat of raids, immigrant groups say nothing but ‘sanctuary’ from now on

January 5, 2016 Huffington Post This Famous Philadelphia Tradition Has An Extensive History Of Racism And Sexism

January 4, 2016 Al día On his first day, Kenney keeps promise to immigrants

January 4, 2016 Not1More As ICE Hunts Families, Philadelphia Breaks Ties with Agency

January 4, 2016 The Metro Kenney reverses Nutter’s 11th-hour immigration change

January 4, 2016 Newsworks Kenney reverses city policy on cooperating with immigration agents

January 4, 2016 The Metro Mummers face backlash for ‘brownface,’ anti-gay incidents

January 4, 2016 The Bell Ringer Mummers Parade stirs controversy with offensive float mocking Caitlyn Jenner

January 4, 2016 Philebrity And now, the best tweets about the 2016 Mummers Parade

January 4, 2016 The Inquirer Comedian Margaret Cho rails against the Mummers on Twitter

January 4, 2016 HGN Mummers Parade Denounced For ‘Expressions Of Hate’ After Blackface, Mocking Caitlyn Jenner

January 3, 2016 The Guardian Philadelphia Mummers parade officials denounce acts of ‘hate and bigotry’

January 3, 2016 Al día In a year of ‘inclusion,’ racism and homophobia on display at Mummers Parade