Join Our Movement!
Our work cannot be done without YOU! Without people willing to take a stand- we cannot win. There are many ways to plug in and all of them make a difference- sign a petition, write an email to your legislatures or school board, come to a meeting or take a stand with us in the streets!
Join us in fighting against the rise of detention centers in PA, ensuring our schools are safe spaces for our youth and families, and mobilizing against the institutions that continue to fail and harm our people!
Over the last four years, we have seen a generation of young people - born in the U.S. to Latinx immigrants with varying legal status - come of age and become eligible to vote. Juntos Podemos seeks to engage these young people on civic issues to build the future our communities deserve.
Our community is too often talked about during election cycles, but never engaged as equal partners in defining and designing the democracy change and power-building efforts that we want and deserve. Through Juntos Podemos, we utilize our longtime connections and role as a trusted hub to launch a voter engagement and information project that mobilizes community members to the ballot box, movement spaces, and beyond.